STARS! README FILE To launch Stars! double click on the stars.exe file in Windows, or double click on the Stars! icon on your desktop. The easiest way to learn to play Stars! is to select Tutorial from the opening dialog box. The On-Line Help file will also assist in guiding you through the game. NOTE: You may expereince some slight text corruption on some screens. This is a known bug and will be fixed in the final version. If you would like to contact Empire for further information please use one of the addresses below: Email: WWW Address: http:\\ Conpuserve Address: GO GAMBPUB Empire Interactive Address: Empire Interactive Customer Services 677 High Road North Finchley London N20 9DH Customer Services and Sales Telephone Number: 0181 343 9143 Fax Number: 0181 343 7447 Stars! will be available in all good computer games stores for the retail price of £34.99. If you are having difficulty in purchasing Stars! you can order directly from us using the order form below ------------------------------------------------ STARS INFO FORM ------------------------------------------------ Fax this form to us on +44 181 343 7447 or send it by mail to Empire Interactive Mail Order Department, The Spires, 677 High Road, London N12 0DA, UK. NAME:__________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________ TOWN:___________________ POST CODE_________________ COUNTRY_______________________ PAYMENT METHOD: Credit Card____ Cheque____ Postal Order____ CARD NUMBER:_______________________ EXPIRY DATE:______ I WOULD LIKE TO ORDER STARS: (please state the quantity) Stars! PC-CDROM £34.99 ____ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:________________________________